A Brief History Of Code

Here's a tongue in cheek version of how digital programming began.  First and foremost, it is a salute to the renowned physicist and cosmologist, Dr. Stephen Hawkins.  I wrote this tale to serve as a gentle introduction into the world of computer programming.  I am awed by how Dr. Hawkins is able to explain some very abstract and exotic laws of physics in such a way that us mere grunts can actually gain a glimmer of understanding.

While my tale was conceived for, and aimed at absolute beginners, I hope and think that anyone with a sense of humor will enjoy it, too..  My goal was to create a well disguised glossary of many common computer terms and concepts.  I find that glossaries can be a terribly boring thing to read.  There is little or no correlation from one entry to the next entry.  Everything is arranged in alphabetical order.  

For many people nothing adds up, so to speak.  The meanings and definitions are not always clear because they just simply lack context.  All that you read are "just words".  Frequently, you need to look the term up in an index somewhere to see how the term or concept is used to gain a real understanding.  For example, try looking up the word "color" in a dictionary.  Now go try to explain the color red to someone base solely upon that dictionary definition.

That is what alphabetical order does for you.  So I decided to write one that was in chronological order while at the same time removing some of the abstraction and boredom that I dislike in a typical glossary.  At some future date, I might surrender to the classical idea and try to include an alphabetical glossary of terms and concepts that I use in this blog.

I used to tutor math to college students years ago dating back to my college days.  Since that time my busy work travel schedule forced me to stop.  I still tutor students from time to time, including many younger students like sons and daughters of relatives, neighbors and friends.  Coming up with simple analogies for abstract and complex topics is something that I find both challenging and highly rewarding.  

Today, I no longer have the heavy travel schedule that I once had, but I have missed the teaching experience.  It has long been said that a teacher can learn more from their students than what the students learn from the teacher.  I have come to realize that the world wide web offers me the once lost opportunity to continue to share my experience and knowledge with others again, to restart that mutual learning process.


Rudy   =8^D